How do we as parents and teachers guide and encourage our student writers?
By giving them the opportunity to think like writers and the instruction to help them communicate those ideas and thoughts effectively with readers.
A Teacher's Story...
When I began teaching writing to elementary students, I soon realized how much they needed someone to believe in their stories, to hear their voices, and to support their writing journeys.
This work is fundamentally based on the decades of great work coming out of the Teacher's College Reading and Writing Project, Columbia University, New York, New York. It stands on the shoulders of Lucy Calkins' work and the work of all who came before her and all who followed her.
It's time to write!
Writing time was always met with groans and frowns and defeated attitudes...before we even began to write.
The struggle is real!
My struggle to find a way to ignite my students' passion for believing they have stories to tell and the confidence to share them.
Writer's Workshop!
Using a writer's workshop model allows the teacher to provide quick, explicit instruction for the daily work. And then students spend the majority of their time writing - drafting and revising.
Available and up and coming courses!